Title: "Biskaabiiyang" (meaning 'round trip' or ' returning to ourselves' )
Artist: Carleigh Milburn
Medium: Digital Artwork
This piece serves as Ms. Milburn's progress report for her Ph.D. Project. The white circle depicted here will be fully adorned with beads by December 2024, when it will be showcased at the Union Gallery. This current file serves as the template for the beadwork, drawing inspiration from the themes of Decolonization and Indigenous Ways of Knowing.
At the heart of our inquiry lies the process of decolonization—an endeavour to address historical injustices and accept Indigenous communities with their rights and self-determination. Drawing from Jennifer Wemigwans' concept of "Biskaabiiyang" (meaning 'round trip' or ' returning to ourselves'), our project delves into how technology and digital art can aid in comprehending and visually representing decolonization across various domains, ensuring inclusivity and leaving no one behind.